Thank You
Coaches, thank you so much for your service and your contribution to both our soccer association and to the community at large. As a soccer coach here at SSA, we value your time and energy and hope we can help carry that commitment with you. This page is designed with intention to serve your needs as a coach and help foster your growth and the growth of your players.
Coaches have two functions on our fields. First and foremost, coaches are role-models and symbols of authority for our children. Coaches should help encourage our children to be the best versions of themselves and to provide a fun activity of teamwork and sportsmanship to our players. Winning and losing should not have any bearing on our endeavor to raise and encourage all of the children who play on our fields.
Secondly, coaches should attempt to help teach our children how to play soccer. Tactics, techniques, fitness, etc. are all incorporated into producing soccer players. Yes, this is a recreational league, but our aim is to help produce soccer players who love the game…. As you are here to help support your players, we are here to help support you! On these pages we hope to provide additional support, information, and structure that can help you be a functional and successful coach (which in turn helps your players and parents have a better experience too).
As thoughts, concerns, and needs arise, please don't hesitate to reach out to your commissioner for assistance. We want to support you however we can. You can begin by downloading our Coaches Welcome Packet below with all the information and instructions you need to get started as a Coach with SSA.
Will my child be placed on the same team as before?As a default, players always remain on the same team they played for the prior season, unless they request to be put into the player pool. Parents can request to be entered into the player pool (lottery) in hopes of landing on a new team. The player pool is random and it is possible that players could get placed back onto the same team (but not likely).
Can I have my child placed on a specific team?No. Under the governance of NTSA, children cannot be placed onto specific teams in an effort to promote league balance and overall player development.
What happens if my child is a returning player and I forget to register them and miss the deadline?Returning players who miss the registration deadline are automatically entered into the player pool with no guarantee onto which team they will be placed. Team rosters are filled with registered players at the registration deadline with an effort to create numerical balance between roster sizes. It is possible that a new player will be placed onto the team your child previously played for and fill their slot.
I do NOT want my child to have the same coach as last year. What can I do?If a child’s welfare has been compromised PLEASE REPORT THE ISSUE. The wellbeing or our children is the number one aim of this association. We will treat all reports of abuse with extreme seriousness and will aim to find immediate resolution. If you would like your child to have a new coach due to personality differences, you may place your child into the player pool to be placed onto a different team. Our coaches are volunteers and are not necessarily soccer experts. Please be kind and patient with the coaches at our complex. If you would like to help support our league there are many ways in which you can engage.
I liked my child's coach from last season, but do not want him/her to play with the same kids. What can I do?You may place your child into the player pool to be placed onto another team. Be default returning players are placed onto the same team unless otherwise requested. See answers above.
I would like my child to play on a friend's team. What can I do?Parents are not able to pick the teammates on their child’s team. It is not possible for a group of parents to create a group and register players together on one team. Siblings can be registered and placed together on the same team. Cousins are not guaranteed to be placed onto the same team together.
I want my child to play in a higher age bracket. Is this possible?You can play up one age-group level. This request must be formalized when registering. You cannot request a certain team. If you would like your child to “play up” one age group, your child will be placed into the player pool with no certainty of which team they will play for.
I would like my child to play for a specific coach. Is this possible?Similarly to requesting a to play with specific players, it is not possible to request to play for a specific coach. All new players are placed into the player pool and placed onto teams at random. Furthermore, it is not possible to coordinate with another parent and decide to “co-coach” in an effort to have your child be placed with a specific coach or team.
How can I support SSA or volunteer?Please fill out the communication form on this website with your ideas and desire to help. We really appreciate any and all parent involvement and will be happy to help harness your energy for the betterment of our kids and community.
How can I join the SSA board?The SSA Board has many open seats and we are happy to welcome anyone who desires to help support our league. We are confident that your skillset, strengths, and engagement can further help to change, improve, and grow our league. You may come to a board meeting on any 2nd Monday of the month at 7:00pm. Or fill out the form on our Contact page.
What size soccer ball does my child need?Size 3 - U8 and lower Size 4 - U9 -U12 Size 5 - U13 and up
What do registration fees cover?Registration fees cover NTSA registration, insurance, uniforms, ref fees, field maintenance and electricity for field lights. SSA provides all players with secondary insurance in case of injuries at our complex. For example, If your child breaks an arm your insurance is used first and NTSA insurance is supplemental.
What equipment does my child need in order to play?Shin guards, cleats (optional) and a ball (optional)
What kind of cleats does my child need?You child can wear tennis shoes or soccer cleats when playing at our complex (cleats being optimal). Baseball cleats and metal studded cleats are not permitted at the complex. Baseball cleats have an extra cleat at the very front of tip of the toe-box and increase the risk of injury.
How do I get a refund?If you register your child for soccer and then change your mind, you will receive a full refund if you back out before team formations. Once teams are formed and uniforms are purchased, there is no refund. Refunds are sent out via check and mailed by BMY.
Do you offer player scholarships?Unfortunately, SSA is not able to offer scholarships at this time. We have in the past, and hope to in the future, but currently do not have the funds for scholarships. If you or someone you know would like to donate to this fund, we would love to implement this service again. Please contact us:
What are the rules for playing time during each game?Every child is required to play 50% of the time.
What are the responsibilities of a coach?Set your practice schedule (1 to 2 practices per week) Contact players at the beginning of each season and communicate with the families of practice times. Maintain open lines of communication with parents - Coaches must create and maintain GroupMe for team communication Maintain an open line of communication with the age-group commissioner. Coaches must complete a background check & complete a three hour “abuse awareness and prevention” training course in “Safe Sport.” Help to govern your team parents during games - Yelling at the referee, opposing players, and opposing parents is not permitted at the SSA complex. Supply your own training/coaching/practice equipment - SSA does not supply equipment for coaches: balls & cones; run practices.
What do I need to do to become a coach?Volunteer to become a coach through GotSport when you register your child for the season. There will be write-in response opportunity where you can type and communicate your interest in being a head coach, assistant coach, or team manager. If you do not have a child that will be playing in the upcoming season, please reach out to us through this website and we can help you register and create a got sport account. THANK YOU for helping and participating with our league.
How much time does it take to coach?Coaching youth sports is a considerable commitment. We ask that coaches provide a minimum of 2 hours of practice per week plus a one hour game. Preparing and planning practices is additional time and load that differs for all coaches. If you need or desire help designing practices or discussing tactics and formations, please submit the communication survey and we will reach out to help you asap.
What type of equipment do I need in order to coach?Certain equipment is not required in order for you to coach, however, equipment such as balls and cones are absolutely beneficial. Take a look at our Coaches Page for equipment recommendations and links to specific products.
Do I need to complete a background check?Yes. All coaches must complete a background check & complete a three hour “abuse awareness and prevention” training course in “Safe Sport.”
How do I get an Assistant Coach?Similar to our league’s need and request for more coaches, we would love to have more assistant coaches. All coaches are volunteers. In your team’s GroupMe chat ask for help from the other parents.
How do I view/print my Team Roster?Within a coach’s GotSport login, you can view your team roster and access all listed phone numbers and email addresses. If you are unable to locate this information within the GotSport platform, ask your age-group commissioner for a screen-shot or pdf. If you would like your roster printed, please reach out and let us know how we can help you.
What do I do if the Referee makes a call I disagree with?We understand that sometimes our referees make incorrect calls. We ask that you are gentle and gracious with our referees. Moving forward we hope to improve our referee training and communication between all coaches and refs. Please work together with the SSA league, other coaches, and the refs to improve. Yelling and screaming at our refs during a game is neither constructive nor does it model the behavior we want our children to follow.
Who do I contact with questions or concerns?Age group commissioners are directly upstream of coaches in the SSA chain-of-command. Your age-group commissioner is the first person you should communicate questions and concerns. Or you can contact us by filling out the form below.
Can we have a sponsor purchase our team uniforms?Yes, it is possible to purchase your own team uniforms. However, all teams must play with the standard uniforms provided through SSA in all league game. You may wear specialized uniforms during tournament play.
What resources are available to help me be a better coach?Our Coaches page has several helpful links to help you as a coach. Click on the button below and scroll to the bottom of the page.
Will SSA help pay for coaching licenses/training?No, SSA is unable to pay for any coaching classes or licensing tests that coaches choose to pursue.
How do I request a schedule change?Schedule change requests can be submitted on this website. Please fill out the form below:
Can I request specific players?No, it is not possible to request specific players to be placed on your team. Coaches are only guaranteed to coach their own children or the specific child/family who recruited their participation as a coach with SSA.
Do I have to have a referee license?Yes, all referees need to be licensed with a “grassroots referee badge.” SSA will reimburse you for the license and will also attempt to provide referee clinics throughout the year for the licensing of future refs.
How much do I get paid?
Do referees have a specific uniform they have to wear?Yes, SSA will order your first ref kit (jersey) and take the cost out of your wages. Or, if you already have a referee uniform, just let us know.
How do I get a referee license?Sign up for ref clinic - online portion 8 hrs; field portion 4-8 hrs. SSA will attempt to host referee clinics in town. You will need to re-certify every year and will be reimbursed for recertification expenses.
Do I get paid more if I get a higher grade license?The amount you earn is dependent on the type of games and position you ref, not the license you have. Older age group games pay more than younger, and center referees are paid more than ARs. Also, as a referee improves their performances at our fields, the SSA referee-assignor will be able to help you acquire competitive club soccer games in the metroplex that pay higher wages.
I want to ref but I don't know all of the rules?If you would like to become a soccer referee, SSA will help you do so. SSA is a recreation soccer league aimed at nurturing the children of our community and fostering growth opportunities for all stake-holders of our town. If you want to become a soccer referee, contact us through the link below and will help you succeed.
Where do I buy a referee uniform?
What is the required referee uniform?Add document image
I am a current referee and would like to get better. How can I get assessed and instruction from another referee?
How do I handle angry coaches?This is a major component of becoming a high quality referee who is in control of the game. Through the certification process you will learn de-escalation tactics to apply with any coaches. Also, at SSA fields, there will always be an available board member and or league commissioner that can help remove and/or calm angry coaches.
When is it best to not call fouls?Referee clinics will help provide context for when fouls should and should not be called. Also, our SSA Referee Assignor will provide feedback on your performances throughout each soccer season and will provide helpful tips on how to become a better referee.
How do I handle angry parents?This is a major component of becoming a high quality referee who is in control of the game. Through the certification process you will learn de-escalation tactics to apply with parents. If a parent needs to be calmed, blow your whistle to stop the game and jog toward the coaches. Ask the coaches to calm the parents down before the game can continue. Again, at the SSA field complex, there will always be an available board member and/ or league commissioner that can help remove and/or calm angry parents.